Monday, 28 October 2013

Art on Legs 2013 - The Results

The standard of entries this year was amazing.  We are always amazed at the design detail and  the technical skill of the entrants, not to mention the sheer ingenuity and imagination that we are proud to display at the Art on Legs show.  This year was particularly hard for our judges. They finally decided on the following awards -

Adult Section

1st Prize - Geisha by Anzara Clark of Hobart 

2nd Prize Matilda’s Mantle by Sue Seaman of Western Australia

3rd Prize - Belisama by Stephanie Reynolds of Tasmania
(Image will follow in a future post)

Highly Commended  - I’m not really the Sporty Type by Elle Knight of Tasmania
(Image will follow in a future post)

Highly Commended - Water Sprite by Penny Henschke of South Australia
(Image will follow in a future post)

Encouragement Award - People, Hell & Angels by Keith, Paul, Mark, Kerry & Andrew of Ron Barwick Prison 



Student Section

1st prize -  Paper Dreams by Claire Hudson

Encouragement Award - Blue Pride by Isabelle Smith 

Highly Commended Annie Yoshida  & Eliza Kloser
(Image will follow in a future post)

Thank you to everyone who entered.  We will be sharing lots more photos of entries in future posts so please look in on us regularly.

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